Sanity of the insane, stupidity, organised forms of stupidity, comunism;
"Unconditioned necessity, which we so indispensably require as the last bearer of all things, is for human reason the veritable abyss."
The hardest to explain is the obvious.
... how do you KNOW you are sane?
Insanity is KNOWING that nobody knows nothing. Is the SINGLE thing to unconditionally know for sure.
Madness... is the first ever III'rd degree encounter with the truth.
Communism is madness.
Communism is humanity's in it's whole first ever truth.
Lies have been perpetuated so much that somebody finally dared to say: CONSCIOUSNESS (euphemised in freedom, as a trap) IS THE ABILITY TO REALIZE THE INEVITABLE. The people waked up from the lie, and realized that power was actually in their hands. Communism was the manifestation of imbecility free from constraint. It's the episode where in the pack of monkeys and lions, turning around in circles and sniffing and growling fiercefully as to impress with lies and suppositions, one first animal scaredly ATTACKS, assuming for itself the truth, that truth that was untill that point covered in sniffing and growling SUPPOSITIONS. Communism was the manifestation of free will of society, violently overthrowing the TRADITIONS of lies that kept the human kind in darkness and confusion.
Communism is humanity's violent and unconscious premature ejaculation. It's where the male homo erectus kills the woman, because the witch made him prematurely ejaculate while he was performing on her dark secret rituals stolen from the elders, and he got scared, confused, worried, frustrated and angry. Communism is the manifestation of a primitive state of a society. Communism is the direct result of the primitive state of collective consciousness, which in it's turn is the direct result of the inappropriate cultural state of a society. The INEXISTENCE of ARTISTIC, SELF-KNOWLEDGE and WORK *CULTURE* in a state results in INDIVIDUAL INCAPACITY. Individual incapacity RESULTS in CRIME. Communism is the crime of the imbecile and primitive collective consciousness. The LET'S PUT IT ALL TOGETHER AND BE EQUAL is the criminal action of the IMPOTENT and INCOMPETENT.
The POTENT and the COMPETENT will have as *virtues* THE THING IN ITSELF (including interest for welfare of the other).
The IMPOTENT and the INCOMPETENT will have as virtues SHARING FROM OTHERS and THEFT (excluding giving ALL of his own to the other).
As much time as insanity is seen as a state of departure into alienation the human species will be watched from around the corner by the truth laying in that departure.
Insanity is the first glimpse at truth. Insane were considered mystical back in history by primitive people. They were closer to the truth than us. Our evolution brought light, but shadows too.
Insanity is when people can no longer take the lies.
Insanity is when the insanity of the sane reveals itself.
Insanity is the revelation of doom.
Insanity is when insanity breaks and pure knowledge of the abyss reveals itself.
Insanity is the FIRST step to sanity.
Insanity is the deformation of the beauty of the deformed.
Insanity is the escape from UN-ENLIGHTENED SANITY.
Sanity without knowledge is deep insanity.
Knowledge appears only after instantly incrementing chaos to infinity. (but never because of that)
Knowledge is preceded by liberation from the sanity of the insane, is preceded by sheer walking to insanity.
Knowledge is achieved through the categorical imperative of the [self-conscious, 99.99% absolutely correct empirical] phenomenal reality, as a firm and permanent first connection with noumenal reality of the phenomenal reality itself. [The categorical imperative of any object other than the 99.% correct empirical ph. reality creates small cyclic whirls of chaos; systematic emp. ph. purity is the only thing that can be put into the noumenal reality by subjecting it to the categorical imperative. The categorical imperative is otherwise used as a verification. The extreme, infinite quantity of the mind that is not subjected to it's complete, established empirical scheme has a nature that will never advance forward to achievement of knowledge through the categorical imperative.]
Knowledge is achieved by believing in yourself, even if you are clearly not right, believing because your thoughts are NOUMENALLY CORRECT, whatever they are, whtev. their content is, whatever what they are correct as they are what they are.
Insanity means NOUMENALLY believing in yourself. Insanity means THE SPECIFIC freedom THAT IS to realize the inevitable. Insanity means realizing by yourself the categorical imperative of your own thought.
Sanity is when you AGREE.
Insanity is when you are BORN.
If you'll do what you want, you will want to get whatever there is, and then others will ELIMINATE you for stealing their own work or legitimate bequest. NEVER DO WHAT YOU WILL, ALWAYS THINK WHAY YOU WILL. And you will be free.
Dead and free.
P.S.: This is the argument that makes communism bearable by it's promoters:
The stupid people need to know what evil awaits them if they are not smart, organized, free and rightfully satisfied. Communist whores are proud, while capitalist wealthy back-stabbing pigs are frustrated and worried by their unrighteousness and lies.
Micro: communists are liars and evil back-stabbing whores, incults, idiots, insane, mad murderers, primitives.
Macro: communists are severe educators working in the virtue of duty for the human race, as the only motility motivator from the entire empty field of human idiotic pointless vain existence. Communists are because human kind deserves it.
Micro: capitalists are prosper working class heroes, having all what it needs, producing everything, doing fine.
Macro: capitalists are wealthy back-stabbing pigs, stealing from the poor and consolidating power, building powerful, corrupt, nasty forces of evil while sharing and giving to the pathetic fool too, bringing prosperity to the human kind; but also bringing a future state of recklessness that will spawn a future revolution.
ETERNAL: Micro and Macro changes that reflect the original ying-yang symbol's meaning, the mix of the eternal into itself, generating opposition, interaction, force against gravity holding everything together, movement, life and death, cycles, extinction.
I hate you bitch. This is my opinion and I'm right and you're wrong. You don't impress me - you are not worthy enough, exalted fool. Get the hell out of my mind!
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