
flows... ; Warning: High IQ AREA! DO NOT ENTER! Trespassers will be shot! Survivors will be shot again!

[English] & [native language] POSTS.

Saturday 6 October 2007

Prayer to my own God

The psychopaths, praying to God, telling names, quoting the bible, being holy.

There's no difference from them to the unaccomplished nihilist, or purely insane, repeating every day the pure nature of the universe's dream.

There's no greater pain than the thousand billion knives braking against eachother, all to be never let out of someone's head.

There's no greater pain than the thousand heads conflicting in a metaphysical instance of buying onions at the market. (EDIT: art. flow)

There's no greater pain than the infinity one sees.

God, please don't have mercy of their souls, because they don't know what they are doing. Kill them all. So there would be quiet.

Tuesday 2 October 2007

Now I'm initiating central emotics.

EDIT like many other times, of course, it failed.

11:53 PM 10/1/2007

Sunday 30 September 2007

It's bound to hit the bone.

Against everything, like a trully free will, it took it's course on a straight line.

The shimmer of dust in the air, all is in far pieces.

I have to / will explode all sub-centers to outweigh.

Irreverent to order, when/ active sub-centers will plant infinity and purpose.

God will turn into constelation of choices.

Certainty will vanish, unique system. Buffers of fixed lenght. Recirculation starts. Content provided from outside.

Internal integrity, universal empiric, external content acquisition.

I will crush you.

Sunday 2 September 2007

The written chaotic information

It was made for a kind of understanding.


Receiving written communication, -> extremely fast read, pick up essence, a page full of text in 10-20 seconds.

Self Input information, -> from medium, less than 20% gets attention, about max 5% analyzed at class level. I don't know how much is analyzed in object, but it is quantifiable.

In the world, day by day, the actual level of object in information in every medium is less than nothing out of the total subject.

My CHAOTIC texts are communications TARGETED at people able to sort out directly any level of REDUNDANT INFORMATION, and @ NOBODY.

All chaotic texts that I write are taken directly from the Energetic Consciousness.

Tech blog:

1. Energetic conscience (*1 Is when energy waves collide, and so they gather.)
2. Informational conscience (*1 Is when the energy waves have sense.) {GOHERE 5}
3. Semantic conscience (meta-conscience) (a part of the "absolute union" of all objective informations, having an intensity of 1).
Bite at my Energetic Consciousness. You don't deserve and will not get the semantic, nor the pure one. YOU GET WHAT YOU ARE.


Write me.

Saturday 1 September 2007

Broken ...

For six years now functioning out of inertia,

My exterior barriers have broken up, 12 AM, 2 september 2007.

I am totally infected with the system. Every victory is over the entire system, every loss is to the absolute existence of the system.

I have a handful of years now, free of continuous problems. Free, until I will feel the countless possibilities a natural mind has, and have to defeat the whole history of the system within me to grasp the first mouth of fresh air, only if the system will come back...

No. The outer walls are down, though I never had any. No'ill not nosuccumb noto notan noexistence noexisted noby nothe noeternal nostruggle nobetween noinferior noand nosuperior, nobecause nothe nosystem nocano't noexist noin nomany nocircurmstance noof nomy nomind, notobject nof notheir noaction noneeds nobjects nof notravel noto nomy nomaterial nolimits, nofuck nothe nobuddies nosucking notno nothe noshit noaround nome, nofuckthem, noI nowill nonot notnot nouse nothe nocomputer nofuck nothem noIll nobuy noand noI nowill nolearn nohow noto nouse noto noexpert nolevel nowindows nosecurity nomeans nof noany nokind noand nomoney nocan nobuy.

NoI nowill nobe nocontrolled nomentally noby nobody nomothernofuckers COZ I'M GONNA FUCKING SHUT MY COMPUTER OFF


Sunday 29 July 2007


I have again, after 10 years, the urge to know the exact position of every bit.
To memorize and control everything, have the entire history of every single
object when I see it.

I don't think there's no other way than total history inside the present. Total
memorization of everything. Those paranoic bastards are getting into everything
by principle, goddamn them.

To start to predict small loads of future for every system, aggregate, individual,
to have the fingerprint of every individual, every piece of memory he has.

To happily see the future, present and past working together in the same frame,
going step by step exactly where I predict, when I predict it, to see through
people and their acts like through glass, to see packs of sheep going to the water
like the sublime light fills the darkness from the shadow of the valley of death.

Thursday 14 June 2007

Stupid people just appeal to perception.


Reality is a spiral descending into convergence to the final point of our minds. Perceiving reality is not a mere sublime feeling, but a systematized re-construction of that which brakes it self to fit the space of a single point.

YOU WEAK, PATHETIC FOOL: There is No Knowledge That is No Power.

Stop quivering in denial. The basis of all reality is ACT. Sublime Incompetence stands for nothing.

Thursday 17 May 2007

I just wish

index 0,1,2,1,2.

0.Man is a master at hiding from his own fear, only to slash out against everybody later.

1.I just wish people had the balls to tell you directly to fuck off.

2.Suckers and losers of 10k kinds lie politely and then rant off for their privacy, finally subliming themselves in an all time highest I'm golden sleek / you're nothing unworthy soon to be smashed.

1.I'm so pity and flabbergasted watching the absolute confidence of somebody I smash to pieces transforming only when it's too late into humility under God and necessity. It takes my will away. The circus drains my energy from before it opens.

2.Only when you're the absolute demon of somebody they have respect for you. I just wish people would directly confront their demons. I just wish I would not be forced to fuck off and over people in order to gain their respect - if you don't do it QUICK they absolutely ignore you or embark on an angelic, divine power drive against their oppressor and angst.

Tuesday 27 March 2007

Singura trauma a vietii mele

[Exemplu] [Fenomen] [Vindecare]


Singura jumatate de ora la cresa din viata. Era inainte cu ceva timp de vremea gradinitei pentru mine.

Saracie. Obiecte vechi. Paturi cu gratii nu prea inalte. Lumina galbena, slaba. Igrasie. Vopsea cazuta. Copiii plang. Urla. Hainele lor: vechi, peticite, urate; tinute la naftalina de la fratii mai mari, imprumutate de la vecini, genu ala de haine.

Ingrijitoarele: .

Sictirite, masculinizate, genu care-si baga pula in ea de viata si inghit cacatu mai repede, cat sa nu simta gustul. Din asta isi castiga banii. Schimba copiii de colo colo, striga la ei sa taca, in sila; copiii plang, ganguresc, misuna, in general fac zgomot. -Iara s-o cacat pe el, du-te schimba-l [Marie], [@#$%!] dracu de copil. Pe mine m-a pus intr-un pat. Cand s-a apropiat bombanind de mine groaza s-a triplat. Eram ca intr-un basm de groaza, vroiam sa ma fac mic, sa dispar de acolo, sa plec, sa nu fiu, sa fiu departe de saracie, agresivitate, nervi, lipsa totala de sanse a viermilor care se tarasc pe acolo fara atentie de la nimeni; decat de la matroanele ultra-sictirite, ca niste creaturi din lumea lui Tolkien, care sugeau de la viata soarta de a spala scutece si cacat copiilor pana la sfarsitul zilelor; zile galbene, ca peretii si lumina slaba din camera.

Abia asteptam sa vina dupa mine parintii, sa ma ia de acolo. Ma uitam cu o groaza latenta la copii. Toti erau lipsiti de constiinta personala - parca nu stiau ca exista. Misunau semi-zgomotosi, semi-doritori, semi-nevoiasi, semi-multumiti, cu o constienta crepusculara; totul era taiat in jumatate si imprastiat in zarile nesperantei care nu-si pune problema ca nu exista.

Africa. - decat in filmul Cosmarul lui Darwin am gasit dublare pentru sentimentul de atunci. Femeia desculta, cu noroi plin de viermi intre degetele de la picioare, calcand printre resturi de peste - coloana vertebrala si capul e ce a ramas din pestele prelucrat pentru a fi trimis ca file de lux in tarile dezvoltate - lua pestii de jos si ii aseza pe un schelet de lemn, pentru "desfacere". Cand a venit sa lucreze aici a avut "durerea de stomac" pentru cateva saptamani. Spune ca aici castiga mult mai bine ca la ferma unde lucra inainte pamantul. Pestii sunt apoi alesi, vanduti si, pentru a fi consumati se prajesc inainte, intregi, in foc de anvelopa si alte materiale de gen, intr-o "groapa". Un fel de crematoriu improvizat de animale moarte si focare de infectie. Bucatarie... . Pestii sunt prajiti, apoi depozitati in recipiente "curate", sau pe regiuni betonate de pe jos,"curate", speciale. Muncitorilor nu li se da voie sa spuna decat putine lucruri in camera. Ochi privesc din toate partile; compromisurile nu trebuie dezvaluite; vin strainii din tari bogate, filmeaza, vorbesc, intreprinderea se dezmembreaza si toata lumea ajunge sa moara de foame. "Au venit stapanii, imbracati bine, cu echipament stralucitor, curat si acum ne vor lua intreg rodul muncii, ne vor arunca in saracie, ne vor fura tot si vom muri de foame si luptand intre noi pentru ultimul rest de orez, pe cand (z)ei(i) vor fi plecati inapoi cu carele lor metalice si vor trai in abundenta si bogatie."

Ingrijitoarele o sugeau din datorie, fara proteste. Banul se castiga in scarba, cine nu-i destul de puternic sa moara de foame. Dracului de copii. Dracului de copii.

Au venit si parintii. Ne-au luat de acolo, pe mine si pe inca cineva. Nu mai stiu daca erau doar parintii mei, daca era doar mama sau si tata, daca eram acolo cu verisorul meu sau asteptandu-l, daca imi era verisor sau nu, daca am plecat de acolo cu el sau fara, daca era gradinita lui sau de ce altceva am asteptat acolo zeci de minute dezolante, groaznice. Imi aduc aminte doar graoza, profunda.

Eram pentru prima data in viata, in afara edenului. Eram in iad; pe pamant; in realitate. Realitatea era ca viata e o scarba si daca nu o poti inghiti vei suferi si mai mult. Ca nu exista nici o scapare, din viata scapa cine poate, cum poate... in final nimeni nu scapa, ramane fiecare doar cu iluzia.

Au venit parintii. Am fost luat(i?) din pat si dus catre usa holului. -De ce am stat aici? Hai sa mergem acasa! -Mergem, dragule, imediat mergem. -Vreau sa mergem acasa!

La fel cum se deschide o floare in razele soarelui de primavara, oferindu-si naturii coloritul, prospetimea, comorile naturale ale vietii, proaspat extrase din pamantul inainte inzapezit, la fel cum un ghiocel se ridica deasupra zapezii, fraged, viu, simbol etern al vietii renascand nu din propria cenusa ci din cursurile subterane de apa, fluida, viue, rece, motor vesnic al vietii,

- ingrijitoarea s-a deschis matern in expresia fetei si a zambit calduros, afectiv, iubitor, protector, intelegator, mandru, cauterizant, nutrind dragostea infinita pe care doar o mama o poate avea fata de copilul ei, si ne-a predat, oferit, daruit, trecut in protectia divina, parinteasca a tutorilor.


Oameni traiesc viata. Ei se intampla.

Oamenii incurabili se refugiaza in ceva afectiv doar al lor. Ei nu traiesc viata - nu le pasa de viata. Incurabilii sunt fiinte ce se adapteaza cu jumatate de fiinta la orice fac - cat sa mimeze facerea.

Incurabilii iubesc ca ei sa fie. Dar Ei sunt acolo si numai acolo si peste tot acolo si intotdeauna acolo unde creierul lor isi exercita toate functiile cu bucata colorata de plastelina mentala din care isi construiesc experienta lor. Incurabilii nu au fost iubiti niciodata. Lor nu li s-a oferit totul niciodata. Au fost batuti de soarta, urati, maltratati, supusi datoriei si rasplatiti pe jumatate. Iubiti niciodata. N-au folosit intregul creier niciodata. Ei nu recunosc viata, ei recunosc ever o oarecare parte din ea.

Toate functiile cerebrale = esti fericit. Ai fost vreodata? Atunci stii cum e cand sunt toate active.

Oamenii nu-si ofera plastelina lor mentala in tot. Dar in putin. Putina fericire, pentru ca nu toata. Au primit doar o parte, au ramas doar cu o parte. Doar o parte din creierul lor interactioneaza cu doar o parte din realitate - aceea pe care o recunosc imprejur, aceea care corespunde partii, fragmentului de creier si totalitate absoluta metafizica pe care 
au experientat-o cand s-a format bagajul perceptiv.

A fii cu totul = egal a fi fericit.

Ingrijitoarele erau cu totul : in afara copiilor; in afara parintilor; in afara sotilor; in afara familiei lor; in afara amantilor; in afara slujbelor; in afara prietenilor; practic in afara orice si oricui.

Trauma mea, singura mea trauma, este vederea perfecta a viitorului in care toti oamenii care n-au fost completi o singura data in viata vor iubi jumatate din orice obiect, jumatate din orice actiune, jumatate din orice simtire, jumatate din orice gand, jumatate din intreaga existenta.

Oamenii vor ataca intotdeauna pe toti si oricine vor vedea ca umbla cu jumatate de masura, cu jumatate de cioara vopsita pe jumatate, iubind pe jumatate, muncind pe jumatate, dedicand si existand pe jumatate pentru Dumnezeu, Dumnezeu care jumatate din viata ne-a luat si ne-a pus sa muncim cu sudoarea fruntii pentru cealalta jumatate, ca sa nu o primim niciodata in aceasta viata, care este oricum numai jumatate de viata, jumatatea cea putina, dura, rea, proasta, din intreaga noastra viata.

Incurabilii viseaza la cealalta jumatate de viata; viata de apoi; viata promisa; viata de cand vor avea totul.


Putem sa batem la portile celeilalte jumatate.
Isus a spus ca se va deschide.
Cealalta jumatate e in noi.

Friday 23 March 2007

Fututul static la noi in RRRomania

Fututul static este acel tip de cacat futut de om lenes parazit social inchis ermetic tamp si cu expresie de cioban imbecil butucanos atoate-stiutor parazit civic sobolan familist gospodar de apartament cu garaj si lift in stare buna de functionare

care isi foloseste 75% din energia vietii

pentru a se auto-pacali EL pe sine insusi ca

cacatuL de viata

pe care iL traieste este FERICIT. E trist si AGRESEAZA pe oricine-i face amagirea DEZ-amagire si ii arata tristetea din viata sa.


25% e ceea ce ai facut, vechi si ne-imbucurator de-acum. FATA DE CARE:

75% e lucruL NOU proaspat obtinut, avansul continuu in Lucruri Noi, Corecte, Excitante Senzorial si Apperceptiv.

25% + 75% = 100% de experienta PREZENTA = Fericire Maxima.*

In Constiinta Informationala - Fericire Totala.
In Constiinta Semantica - Fericire Maxima.
In Constiinta Noumenala - Existenta Corespunzatoare Formulei de Echilibru Vectorial si Excitare Nervoasa.


Fututul static SE PACALESTE CA E FERICIT, folosind 75% din energia lui. SI munceste real pentru fericire cu 25% din energia lui. Eventual cei 25% rateaza si cei 75% se incurca in COMPLEXITATEA MINCIUNII,


Fututul Static DISPERA si traieste o stare PERPETUA de angst si, sucit fiind, doreste razbunare crunta pe

cine i-ar spulbera ILUZIA DE FERICIRE.

->Fututul Static sufera si, smecher isi gaseste in prostii si iluzii fericirea.
->Fututul Static e un onanist patologic, mental si fizic, perceptiv si aperceptiv.
->Fututul Static e expresia reinventarii permanente si de nesecatuit a mainii.
->Fututul Static evita a vorbi SENTIMENTE intre oameni. Onanismul patologic e un sentiment rusinos, de ascuns.
->Fututul Static isi petrece majoritatea activitatii sale mentale si fizice in cautarea sublimului ARHI-cunoscut si ARHI-acceptat si ARHI-savurat de STAPANII SAI.
->Fututul Static e o curva umana.
->Un Futut Static e permanent in varful piramidei ajungerii si parvenirii, e sultanul REUSITEI, e pandemoniumul sugerii de pula concentrat intr-un singur om.

Curvele sug pula la parveniti ajunsi si se simt speciale ca se inteapa in pula cand parvenitul injunghie pe la spate pe fraieri de le ia banii si onoarea. Curva se inteapa onorabil in pula, nu ia teapa ca fraierii = e superioara fraierilor, desi ambii sug de la smecheri ajunsi.

Fututul static e o curva, NU un fraier.

Fututul Static traieste cu morcovele in curul mintii sale stralucitoare, si, ca animalul ranit, musca si zgarie de moarte pe oricine > Incearca sa-l Ajute.

=> Fututul Static e invingatorul independent, total si auto-suficient, fericit, celebru si stralucitor, pe care il doare in pula cam de toate si care rade, tragand cu ochiul, de SENTIMENT pentru ca e dur si prost ca un cioban plin de oi, bani si branza.

=> Fututul Static e o specie de BUTUC din romania si alte tari subnutrite cu mai putina productie pe cap de bolovan decat consum, in care SINGURATATEA isi pune apasat amprenta pe afectivitatea TAMPITULUI care se crede REGE UNIC, cu nu mai mult de 5 PRIETENI si o gramada de dusmani, familie calduroasa si cateva experiente de MANDRIE BOVINA, auzite din batrani ca trebe facute in viata.

DEDICATIE: un vechi, bun si stralucitor de REUSIT SI AJUNS prieten de-al meu. (Stie el cine.)(Si tocmai ii pusca obrajii intens rosii de ciuda, avand in vedere ca (obrazul) a ajuns pana aici cu lectura.) [Ohoo.. DAR lectura implica neuronI, ceea ce nu cred, butucii fiind ocupati cu lucruri serioase nu CONSTIINTA SOCIALA si alte parturi de prin tari nedezvoltate de subnutriti CARE *NU* POT PUNE CEVA PE MASA]

Tie, draga prieten bun, iti dedic si piesa: SUCIU, de la R.A.C.L.A.. Dar, desigur, nu o vei asculta, pentru ca tu ai gusturi rafinate, alese si subtile, invatate naturalmente prin simt de gospodar trecut prin viata si prin lume, care poate chiar ai dat mana cu primarul cetatii, la viata ta, ceea ce inseamna, la cei 500.000 de oameni din oraselul nostru, LUCRU MARE.

Tuesday 27 February 2007

Vindecatoru' si idiotii

Exista prosti care nu vor intelege vreodata cum functioneaza societatea de azi (si de multa vreme de fapt) :

pentru voi dragi compatrioti, o singura scapare mai exista:

gaura neagra a mamicutei voastre.

Va voi smulge mintile din cap.
Va voi arunca pe strazi.
Ochi pentru ochi si reactiune la actiune. Beware my good frend. Nici o fapta buna nu trece nepedepsita. Timpul nu va mai fi ce a fost candva.

Monday 22 January 2007

Sanity of the insane, stupidity, organised forms of stupidity, comunism;

"Unconditioned necessity, which we so indispensably require as the last bearer of all things, is for human reason the veritable abyss."


The hardest to explain is the obvious.

... how do you KNOW you are sane?

Insanity is KNOWING that nobody knows nothing. Is the SINGLE thing to unconditionally know for sure.

Madness... is the first ever III'rd degree encounter with the truth.

Communism is madness.

Communism is humanity's in it's whole first ever truth.

Lies have been perpetuated so much that somebody finally dared to say: CONSCIOUSNESS (euphemised in freedom, as a trap) IS THE ABILITY TO REALIZE THE INEVITABLE. The people waked up from the lie, and realized that power was actually in their hands. Communism was the manifestation of imbecility free from constraint. It's the episode where in the pack of monkeys and lions, turning around in circles and sniffing and growling fiercefully as to impress with lies and suppositions, one first animal scaredly ATTACKS, assuming for itself the truth, that truth that was untill that point covered in sniffing and growling SUPPOSITIONS. Communism was the manifestation of free will of society, violently overthrowing the TRADITIONS of lies that kept the human kind in darkness and confusion.

Communism is humanity's violent and unconscious premature ejaculation. It's where the male homo erectus kills the woman, because the witch made him prematurely ejaculate while he was performing on her dark secret rituals stolen from the elders, and he got scared, confused, worried, frustrated and angry. Communism is the manifestation of a primitive state of a society. Communism is the direct result of the primitive state of collective consciousness, which in it's turn is the direct result of the inappropriate cultural state of a society. The INEXISTENCE of ARTISTIC, SELF-KNOWLEDGE and WORK *CULTURE* in a state results in INDIVIDUAL INCAPACITY. Individual incapacity RESULTS in CRIME. Communism is the crime of the imbecile and primitive collective consciousness. The LET'S PUT IT ALL TOGETHER AND BE EQUAL is the criminal action of the IMPOTENT and INCOMPETENT.

The POTENT and the COMPETENT will have as *virtues* THE THING IN ITSELF (including interest for welfare of the other).

The IMPOTENT and the INCOMPETENT will have as virtues SHARING FROM OTHERS and THEFT (excluding giving ALL of his own to the other).

As much time as insanity is seen as a state of departure into alienation the human species will be watched from around the corner by the truth laying in that departure.

Insanity is the first glimpse at truth. Insane were considered mystical back in history by primitive people. They were closer to the truth than us. Our evolution brought light, but shadows too.

Insanity is when people can no longer take the lies.

Insanity is when the insanity of the sane reveals itself.

Insanity is the revelation of doom.

Insanity is when insanity breaks and pure knowledge of the abyss reveals itself.

Insanity is the FIRST step to sanity.

Insanity is the deformation of the beauty of the deformed.

Insanity is the escape from UN-ENLIGHTENED SANITY.

Sanity without knowledge is deep insanity.

Knowledge appears only after instantly incrementing chaos to infinity. (but never because of that)

Knowledge is preceded by liberation from the sanity of the insane, is preceded by sheer walking to insanity.

Knowledge is achieved through the categorical imperative of the [self-conscious, 99.99% absolutely correct empirical] phenomenal reality, as a firm and permanent first connection with noumenal reality of the phenomenal reality itself. [The categorical imperative of any object other than the 99.% correct empirical ph. reality creates small cyclic whirls of chaos; systematic emp. ph. purity is the only thing that can be put into the noumenal reality by subjecting it to the categorical imperative. The categorical imperative is otherwise used as a verification. The extreme, infinite quantity of the mind that is not subjected to it's complete, established empirical scheme has a nature that will never advance forward to achievement of knowledge through the categorical imperative.]

Knowledge is achieved by believing in yourself, even if you are clearly not right, believing because your thoughts are NOUMENALLY CORRECT, whatever they are, whtev. their content is, whatever what they are correct as they are what they are.

Insanity means NOUMENALLY believing in yourself. Insanity means THE SPECIFIC freedom THAT IS to realize the inevitable. Insanity means realizing by yourself the categorical imperative of your own thought.


Sanity is when you AGREE.

Insanity is when you are BORN.

If you'll do what you want, you will want to get whatever there is, and then others will ELIMINATE you for stealing their own work or legitimate bequest. NEVER DO WHAT YOU WILL, ALWAYS THINK WHAY YOU WILL. And you will be free.

Dead and free.

P.S.: This is the argument that makes communism bearable by it's promoters:

The stupid people need to know what evil awaits them if they are not smart, organized, free and rightfully satisfied. Communist whores are proud, while capitalist wealthy back-stabbing pigs are frustrated and worried by their unrighteousness and lies.

Micro: communists are liars and evil back-stabbing whores, incults, idiots, insane, mad murderers, primitives.
Macro: communists are severe educators working in the virtue of duty for the human race, as the only motility motivator from the entire empty field of human idiotic pointless vain existence. Communists are because human kind deserves it.

Micro: capitalists are prosper working class heroes, having all what it needs, producing everything, doing fine.
Macro: capitalists are wealthy back-stabbing pigs, stealing from the poor and consolidating power, building powerful, corrupt, nasty forces of evil while sharing and giving to the pathetic fool too, bringing prosperity to the human kind; but also bringing a future state of recklessness that will spawn a future revolution.

ETERNAL: Micro and Macro changes that reflect the original ying-yang symbol's meaning, the mix of the eternal into itself, generating opposition, interaction, force against gravity holding everything together, movement, life and death, cycles, extinction.



I hate you bitch. This is my opinion and I'm right and you're wrong. You don't impress me - you are not worthy enough, exalted fool. Get the hell out of my mind!

No government..

How to wash my head in 3 easy steps.


"No government in the world will be able to program my mind."
They said.

I don't believe it.
It's not a very distinctive statement now, considering my genius
unifies differences into repetitive identity.


4 All things are just multiple separate instances of the same, repetitive, principles,
that put into inverse pyramid systems create material objects, deductive principles,
mind, spirit, phenomena.
5 You can not say I can not be programmed because SPOT repetition breaks the pyramid of
existence that constitutes the actual differences in the mind that when put together they
create objects with variety of shapes,colors, properties and distinctive features and traits.
6 Anybody can be programmed if the necessary force is applied to his distinction faculties
in a constant manner.


Why are tomatoes yellow ? Because they are green.
Why are apples green ? Because they are not red yet.
But I distinctly remember there are NO yellow apples. (Golden apples is just a color, not a type.)


4-5-6 = 1)structure, 2)breaking, 3)constant force = the 3(THREE) easy steps to wash my head.


9 In another order of woorrrds,

QUOTE, Oliver Stone's "JFK" :

"He makes it sound like nothing." -------------------- {1 keep them busy with something small enough}
"Oswald did badly on his test. ' --------------------- {2 give them worries}
'He got only two more Russian words right than wrong." {3 keep them that way}

"That's like me saying, Touchdown is not very intelligent...'

'... because I beat him three games out of five the last time we played chess."


TOOLS exposed:

Obscurely denaturated statements that blend different categories and classes into eachother,
while their objects are different.


11 Keep the tomatoes yellow because the apples are green when they are not red and
LIE about the golden ones.

PICE OF CAKE ! You've gotten yourself a brand old manual for washings brains...

12 [the curtain falls and the public departs through the back left corridor.]

Friday 15 December 2006

Dezolarea totala

Intai Dumnezeu a facut lumea. Apoi a facut cunoasterea. Dar mie intai mi-a dat cunoasterea... si apoi lumea.

Ingropat de viu...

In copilarie cunoasterea mi-a murit, pentru ca lumea era una sintetica si falsa, unde animalele se mancau tampe intre ele si le era draga constiinta ca la caine lantu'.


... nemaiputand, nemaivrand sa-mi gasesc mijloace (ale mele personal, specifice mie, proprii, personale, obijnuinta empirica, traditie, mod, fel, personalitate) empirice de subzistenta fizica, si, mai departe in timp, avansand rapid si complet la cele psihice, am intrat in psihoza si adanc in cosmarul colectiv ce compune (sufletul empiric colectiv) al (masei oarecare si fiecare de oameni). Psihoza definita de pauzele de timp, omniprezente, ale inertiei constientei de subzistenta. Avansata, in varfuri de dezactivare, pana la nivelul scaparii lucrurilor din mana, pe strada, fara constientizare. Disparitia totala a nucleului metafizic de autoprotectie din rutina atemporal-temporala (adica infinita in timp spatial granular ce compune structurile ce avanseaza in timpul temporal) a constient-subconstient-inconstientului. Dezolare survenita rapid, fara a putea constientiza la nivel inalt procesele dezamagirilor si ruperile ce au loc dedesubt, in dimensiunea reala a proceselor cognitiv-somatice.


Oameni... ... care-si gasesc sufletul personal, individual, din profitul, fara scrupule sau consideratii tehnice de natura psihologica sau sufleteasca, de pe urma situatei din momentul prezentului. Oameni care (o sug) si instant (o lauda si-o preamaresc). Care (se leapada de trecut) si (tremura in fata viitorului), care (o sug instant) pe (cea mai mare) si pe loc (o lauda si-i fac apologia). Fara sa o cunoasca cumva, doar asa pentru a se situa deasupra si pentru a putea, pe baza (argumentului de autoritate), sa-si impuna lege haosul sufletesc. Haos de caine turbat in calduri sentimentale si scancete.


Nu am mai avut consideratie pentru subzistenta. Tot cerul mi s-a lasat in cap, s-a amestecat cu mocirla si noroiul greu al nebuniei # absolutului- prins in intervalul mental disponibil intre limitele normalului omniprezent # din mijlocul pucioasei haosului haului empirismului subzistential antropomorf tamp sec. Pur si simplu s-a terminat. Nu mai aveam motiv empiric. Cand omogenitatea se rupe totul pica, se face bucati, oboseala devine somnambulism si monstrii apar.


Stafii cu ochi de om. Oameni cu ochi de stafii. Mortii sunt vii. Viii sunt morti. Normalii privesc normal. Sunt morti. Dintre anormali, specialii privesc profund si plesnit. Sunt vii. Privirea lor exprima. Privirea lor face sacrilegiul de a sti, de a trai. Normalii nu exprima nimic, decat in cazurile in care ceva signifiant se intampla. Acum, evident, nu se intampla - deci privirea speciala e absconsa si specialii sunt rai si nebuni. Normalul traieste atunci cand ceva se intampla, deci el insusi nu consista din nici o activitate/intamplare. Tamplele lui sunt goale. Tampa activare non-mijlocita a specialului e semn rau. E cale afara de prea-de-tot. E un om aiurea, ne-fundamentat, gol si fara viata adevarata. E practic mort, specialul. Privirea lui iscoditoare e semn de zadarnicie. Sa ne rugam pentru el, sarmanul. Sarmanul mort, cu privirile ratacite. Normalul nu face lucruri fara sa fie nevoie de ele, el de nevoie doar moare, nu traieste. Nevoia e in inchizitoriul normalului doar ca eleganta. Nevoia e o vorba ce se plimba din gura-n gura pana se moare. Sufletul n-o simte, doar matele o mesteca. A-ti pune sacerdotal probleme denota conduita deviata de la normele societatii sanatoase si functionale. Nu ai voie sa ai privire furtunoasa, ca un adanc ce soarbe si fulgera, decat daca ai un motiv. Ce motiv ai sa iesi din multumirea noastra? Ca doar toti traim aceeasi viata. Suntem oameni responsabili, in toata firea si puterea cuvantului. Revino-ti. Calmeaza-te. Strange nodul la cravata. Priveste drept, responsabil si mandru. O privire de om, nu de oameni necivilizati de prin padure. Trebuie sa ti se citeasca in ochi umanitatea, referinta la valori, traditie si buna-credinta, nu vise si taramuri imaginare. Si stafii cu ochi de om. Si oameni cu ochi de stafii. Unde viii sunt morti, si mortii sunt vii.

Privirea arata activitate. Dar mortilor privirea arata traditie. Traditia e cimentarea lenta, in lunga durata, a modului (pur mecanic) de a infasura (activitati invatate pe de rost). La morti traditia consista din a suge pula stapanului si a fute in schimb in gura si pe ma-sa de viata.

Unde e iesirea din labirintele interdimensionale umplute cu beton fisurat si cu gauri de viermi interconectate ale matelor mintii perversilor polimorfi stupefiati de marimea intreprinderii necesare de a se ajunge, de a se pune la cale, de a se scoate, de a reusi izbanda, de a se sublima vita, de a-si simti mandria de la spate si pana-n cot, de-a fi pe val, pe moment, pe piedestal facut din umilinta altora, de-a privi tamp si cu specific subanteles mereu acelasi, de a se croi, de a se asigura, de a-si lustrui foaita, de a-si spala onoarea, de a-si rasuna gloria, de a-si respecta numele, de a-si umple matele, de a-si re-purta traditia, de a-si ascunde fata de caine porc facand pe porcul de caine, de a-si purta crucea, de a-si apara sfant vesnic adevarul si a-si salva shoricu, de a-si ascunde raia pentru a nu-si sublinia borhodul, de a-si lauda sanatatea si norocul, de a trai clipa cu forta, de a iubi silit si cu prejudecata-n rol de asigurare de fraier, de a suge pe ascuns pula stapanului in loc sigur la vedere libera pentru a sti ce gust are, de a transforma imposibilul in posibil si prea-simplul in imposibil tabu sacru si sfant, de a manca cacat si a cinsti cu cate-un pahar de pula in virtutea vietii darnice dar frumoase, decat pe spatele situatiei din prezentul continuu. CONTINUU. Iar. Iar. Iar. Iar. Iar. Iar. Iar. Iar. Iar. Iar. Iar. Iar. Iar. Iar. Iar. Iar. Iar. Iar. Iar. Iar. Iar. Iar. Iar. Iar. Iar. Iar. Iar. Iar. Iar. Iar. Iar. Iar. Iar.Iar. Iar. Iar. Iar. Iar. Iar. Iar. Iar. Iar. Iar. Iar. Iar. Iar. Iar. Iar. Iar. Iar. Iar. Iar. Iar. Iar. Iar. Iar. Iar. Iar. Iar. Iar. Iar. Iar. Iar. Iar. Iar. Iar. Iar. Iar. Iar. Din nou. Din nou. Din nou. Din nou. Din nou. Din nou. Din nou. Din nou. Din nou. Din nou. Din nou. Din nou. Din nou. Din nou. Din nou. Din nou. Din nou. Din nou. Din nou. Din nou. Din nou. Din nou. Din nou. Din nou. Din nou. Din nou. Din nou. Traieste clipa. Traieste clipa. Traieste clipa. Traieste clipa. Traieste clipa. Traieste clipa. Traieste clipa. Traieste clipa. Traieste clipa. Traieste clipa. Traieste clipa. Traieste clipa. Traieste clipa. Traieste clipa. Traieste clipa. Traieste clipa. Traieste clipa. Traieste clipa. Traieste clipa. Traieste clipa. Traieste clipa. Nu exista alta. Acum. Acum. Acum. Acum. Acum. Acum. Acum. Acum. Acum. Acum. Acum. Acum. Acum. Acum. Acum. Acum. Acum. Acum. Acum. Acum. Acum. Acum. Acum. Acum. Acum. Acum. Acum. Incearca. Incearca. Incearca. Incearca. Incearca. Incearca. Incearca. Incearca. Incearca. Incearca. Incearca. Incearca. Incearca. Ravneste si forteaza. Ravneste si forteaza. Ravneste si forteaza. Ravneste si forteaza. Ravneste si forteaza. Ravneste si forteaza. Ravneste si forteaza. Ravneste si forteaza. Ravneste si forteaza. Ravneste si forteaza. Ravneste si forteaza. Stapaneste. Stapaneste. Stapaneste. Stapaneste. Stapaneste. Stapaneste. Stapaneste. Stapaneste. Stapaneste. Stapaneste. Stapaneste. Stapaneste. Stapaneste. Stapaneste. Violeaza. Violeaza. Violeaza. Violeaza. Violeaza. Violeaza. Violeaza. Violeaza. Violeaza. Violeaza. Violeaza. Violeaza. Violeaza. Violeaza. Violeaza. Violeaza. Violeaza. Exagereaza. Exagereaza. Exagereaza. Exagereaza. Exagereaza. Exagereaza. Exagereaza. Exagereaza. Exagereaza. Exagereaza. Exagereaza. Exagereaza. Exagereaza. Exagereaza. Exagereaza. Exagereaza. Exagereaza. Exagereaza. Exagereaza. Exagereaza. Exagereaza. Exagereaza. Exagereaza. Exagereaza. Exagereaza. Exagereaza. Anihileaza. Anihileaza. Anihileaza. Anihileaza. Anihileaza. Anihileaza. Anihileaza. Anihileaza. Anihileaza. Anihileaza. Anihileaza. Anihileaza. Anihileaza. . . . . . . . . .

animalele stiau cu mult inainte...

Mental alchemy

Mental alchemy. This is a flow from a post from my technical blog : Mental alchemy.

With the pseudo-complete re-production of empiric reality into the virtual existence of
the mind, sensorial and perceptual alchemy is possible.

short definitions of stuff used:
1. objects are actions. everything is action.
2. parenthesis are usually used to group things, as in mathematics.

noumen.metaphysic.empiric OBJECTS noumen.metaphysic.phenomen.metaphysic.REPRODUCTION
into the human mind is used to be reverberated into the perceptive and sensorial tables.

Examples: I eat sausages and I project into the sensorial paths containing the sausage
taste the sensorial reproduction of caviar taste.

I don't think I ate caviar, as I remember, but I can make:
I.--> a chemical analysis of it's contents;
II.-> a complete biological analysis of the tongue;
II.1. a metaphysical map of the tastes got from the tongue: by LINKING the calculated
absolute noumenal identity of the tongue processes WITH the calculated absolute noumenal
identity of foods while chemically being decomposed by the mouth;
III.->then build sensations on the basis of 1. a [both (calculated and known)] food
taste, that is used to link calculated noumenal identity to it's carnal personal presence,
2. the noumenal modulation corresponding to the tongue biological processes,
3. the food modulating the tongue's biological processes.

So, by noumenally calculating tongue, caviar, and by calibrating with the a
posteriori known taste of sausages we achieve the 1_2_(identity of caviar), that we send
to the sensorial tables and, voila`, we have just achieved the alchemy of sausages into

=GOHERE: General - THE TOP or END of ROW.=====
=------> Particular - THE WORDS.=============
I myself have never put this piece here. I'm keeping this wrapped up here, like the organism surrounds foreign objects with tissue. Let's see how many will appear. Twisting words post. The firewall posts.

It works! And it's available at the late Level 5 of evolution.

I have perceptual alchemy available. This means I can see an infinite field of WHITE
and and infinite field of BLACK in the same place and at the same time. I can do whatever
what and think I'm doing whatever else I want. I can think the non-thinkable.

I don't have sensorial alchemy, even if I could develop it rather easily, because I'm soo
alone here all by myself in my all-gold mountain peak, and soo bored of everything.

I need a reason to live. I can't live just because I can, I also need a reason. I'm all out
of reasons. The man NEEDS to believe in GOD. I don't have any other gods than NOUMENAL
METAPHYSIC NECESSITY. Is there anybody out there being able to freely modulate noumenal
metaphysic necessity ? Is there anybody out there really ALIVE ?

In 10-15 years I will reach Level 6. I'll spend long boring intercontinental flights
in delicious, clean, discrete sensorial orgasms, produced by energetic vectorial neural

But life gives me nothing at this time. Is there anybody out there ?

Is there anybody wanting more than just being content with their accomplishments ? Is
anybody out there willing to LIVE ? ... desiring something else than being free to do
nothing and entertain and divert themselves ? ... else than being all high and mighty ?
... else than go on with their balanced and sufficiently rewarding daily life ?

What about movies and music and theater and poetry and painting and building and sports
and travels and distant culture and the myriad of prints, marks, tastes, sensations of
all kind that the world has to offer ?

Isn't the vast experience of everything just the purpose of our lives ?

Isn't the possibility of SENSING just the essence of our lives ?

Isn't the whirlpool of neural possibility the ID of our lives ?

Is there ANYBODY out there WANTING IT ALL ?


I want it ALL ! And I want it NOW !