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[English] & [native language] POSTS.

Sunday, 29 July 2007


I have again, after 10 years, the urge to know the exact position of every bit.
To memorize and control everything, have the entire history of every single
object when I see it.

I don't think there's no other way than total history inside the present. Total
memorization of everything. Those paranoic bastards are getting into everything
by principle, goddamn them.

To start to predict small loads of future for every system, aggregate, individual,
to have the fingerprint of every individual, every piece of memory he has.

To happily see the future, present and past working together in the same frame,
going step by step exactly where I predict, when I predict it, to see through
people and their acts like through glass, to see packs of sheep going to the water
like the sublime light fills the darkness from the shadow of the valley of death.